
'Excellent' in all areas
Independent Schools Inspectorate May 2023


“A wonderfully happy haven, a small school full of girls gently encircled with unwavering support to work hard, achieve high and be kind. What more could you ask for?”
Good Schools Guide 

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At Truro High you don’t have to choose between being the dancer or the engineer or the football player – you really can be all three.

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Because we believe every individual’s capacity for learning and exploring their own talents is limitless and, through our High Performance Learning programme, we help girls develop the learning behaviours and attributes that will serve them well for life. We also believe that teaching girls separately from boys releases them from gender stereotyping. Astrophysics? Great idea. Olympic pentathlete?
Give it a go.

High Performance Learning Incredible Academics


We are incredibly proud of our community and hope our school film captures some of the magic that makes Truro High such a special place to be.

Latest News

Nigerian Teachers Visit 

Nigerian Teachers Visit 

This week, we were delighted to welcome Mr Olaniyi, Mrs Millie, Mrs Eniola and Mr Michael from Grange School in Lagos, as part of our ongoing relationship with the school.  A particularly special connection though, as our Deputy Head Girl, Deborah (Year 13) and her...

Debate Team Success!

Debate Team Success!

After weeks of fierce competition, over the weekend our Senior Debate team headed to the FINALS of the South-West and South Wales Rotary Youth Speaks ‘A Debate’ Competition, at CliftonCollege, securing an incredible 2nd place finish! Led by Alina (Year 12), the team...

University offers roll in for Sixth Formers

University offers roll in for Sixth Formers

After years of dedication, study, and hard work, our Year 13 Sixth Formers are beginning to see their efforts pay off as university offers roll in! We are incredibly proud to celebrate the exciting opportunities that await them as they take the next steps toward their...